Yesterday we went to the doctor because Sydney has been complaining that her legs hurt. Now sometimes I know she does this for attention or because she wants us to kiss it and make it better. But sometimes she really does seem to be in pain. She even woke up in the middle of the night a few nights ago complaining her leg hurt.
The doctor checked her out and decided to do a blood test to see if that shows anything. She is a bit puzzled because normally kids don't have growing pains until they get older. We'll see what that produces and keep monitoring Sydney's legs. She hasn't complained since we went to the doctor, so maybe it will stop now after her traumatic experience with the blood draw.
The good news is she grew an inch and a quarter in the past four months! She also gained a pound and a few ounces, topping out at 22 pounds and 34 1/4 tall. I was so sure she actually made it on the weight chart with this whopping weight but nope, still not on there. Her height is in the 25th percentile.
I just checked my baby book since Sydney and I were almost identical in height and weight at two years old. Well, at 2 1/2 I was the same exact height as Syd is now, but I weighed 25 3/4, so I gained nearly 5 lbs in six months. Hmm. Never mind for the big excitement of Sydney gaining over a pound this past six months. Guess we're back to bribing her to take 4 more bites with M&M's! (You think I'm kidding right?)
Anthony had the day off yesterday so after the doctor appointment we played at the park and had a nice dinner. I actually forgot my camera at home which was a real shocker I know! No pictures to post.