We started the weekend out with some backyard pool time. Sydney loves her pool and she had fun.
Here's a video of Sydney telling me she's too busy for me to take her picture, silly kid.
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Sydney spent some fun times with Greg and Jessica this weekend and I am sure Jessica will be posting pictures to her blog soon. She loves these two so much and wouldn't leave Greg's side at all. She also spent some time with Jessica's nephew Jackson and I swear she is talking better today than yesterday. Being around older kids is really great for her vocabulary.
Here are some pictures of Sydney and Anthony from yesterday:
And tonight it was still 85 degrees at 8:30pm so we decided it would be fun to run through the sprinkler. Check out Sydney's cute new bathing suit, courtesy of Ari. Sydney didn't want to take this suit off!
So excited to run through the sprinkler!!