Here are some pictures of our fun in the sun the past few weeks....
This was actually from our trip to Eugene, Oregon for the wedding. I just love this one of the kids-it shows how much Sydney adores her little brother. And of course he feels the same for Sydney.
We headed down to the valley last month to pick the last bunch of strawberries. My goal is to make some jam, although the berries are still in the freezer at this point. Sydney loved picking strawberries, so of course I had to go into the story about how when I was 12, my parents made my brother and I pick raspberries one summer. Aww memories. And I totally felt like my dad, telling stories of how he walked up hill both ways to school-in the snow. I think with no shoes too.
My friend Jackie and her family were up visiting from California so we had them over for a bbq the first week of July. It's so much fun to get the kids together. Jackie and I have been friends for 21 years now! Wow, that makes me feel so old. Here are the cute kids...
Greg and Jessica recently added a new family member to their family-a Maltese puppy named Juno. Seriously, she is the cutest little dog ever. Sydney is always super shy around dogs but she fell in love with Juno and did great with her. She now talks about her daily, has a dog toy for next time we see them, and has named one of her stuffed puppies Juno.
Sydney and Juno
A very washed out picture of Greg and Alex-but cute nonetheless
Pretty girls!
Watching the garbage man
This picture cracks me up-I promise Alex swinging is not as scary as it looks. But he does love it.
We had a playdate at our house a couple weeks ago. The little boys loved the baby pool!
The big kid's pool
Come here Brady, let me give you a big hug-or actually, chew on your head for a bit.
The little kids with the big kids
Alex and Brady
Sydney playing dress up
More pool time
Soaking the feet
Alex enjoying more pool time
Alex and Nana We had a great time at a local festival a couple weeks ago. Sydney LOVED the bouncy houses so we went back three times to bounce. Hands down the best part of the city's festival
Even better than the motorcycles...
Sydney decided to ditch the dream of being a doctor for now and wants to be a firefighter.
Me and my little bubba