The "before" shot
"Wait, I'm kind of attached to my shaggy hairdo."
What do you think?
Fun with a little spike up front
Alex and his big sister. Sydney keeps saying, "I love Alex's new haircut!"
Alex's first time riding in the shopping cart like a big boy. He loved it! He received so much attention because he smiled at everyone who looked at him. I think he's pretty proud to be sitting up in the cart so well, and proud of the new haircut. Alex is doing great. He can sit up by himself unassisted for quite some time. Here he is last week.
He also has his first tooth! The first one popped up in the past couple of days. He's been drooling like crazy for the past two months so we knew this was coming.
Alex is still a great eater. I am making all of his baby food, and I am really enjoying it. I have the Baby Beaba babycook which is the coolest thing ever. I love making batches of food when I have time, and it's all automatic so I can walk away for a while and the steamer turns off by itself. So far I have made apples, sweet potatoes, peas, carrots, squash, peaches and pears. Alex loves it all-with exception to the peas. I don't blame the kid on that one, gross.
And here are some pictures from the past month that I have been meaning to add...
Carrie and her husband had us over for dinner one night a couple weeks ago. Besides having the most beautiful home ever, they had this awesome trampoline which a certain someone LOVED!I love this picture-Carrie holding Alex while Sydney is bouncing around.
So much fun!
Carrie had fun with Alex's hair. And Carrie is quite possibly Sydney's new bff. Sydney adores her and talked about her for days.
Alex's new nickname is Scooter. He's not rolling over but scooting-everywhere. You lay him down and he scoots up a few feet within minutes. Here he is, after scooting up about 6 feet so he could spin the wheels on the motorcycle. Anthony was so proud.
And my multi-tasking girl trying to ride both the Mercedes and motorcycle at the same time.
Sydney and her favorite person Greg
Alex and his favorite person, Jessica
Sydney and her other favorite person Jessica
Jessica made the cutest hat for Alex-he loved it!
And finally a video I took when Alex first started eating food. Here is his first banana. He excitedly screeches each time he gets a bite. He doesn't do this as often anymore, but he is still pretty passionate about his food. I love this clip. This was taken at the end of April.
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I'm dying here. I'm literally dying. :)
So sweet! I love Alex's new haircut! Especially that it doesn't make him look older! We're holding off as long as we can!
lovely little panties. love to smell them
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