We decided to make a last minute trip to California to celebrate Mam-o and Uncle Andrew's birthdays this weekend. The weather has been pretty great for our trip-mid to high 60's. We think this weather is pretty darn nice considering we just had snow a week ago in Seattle.
The kids did great on the airplane ride. Sydney kept busy writing in her notebook and eating peanuts. Alex slept all but 10 minutes of the ride, which was great. So not stressful!

One of our first stops was Pop-o's office. We had to visit the girls at the office and I needed some eye assistance. Sydney also had a quick eye exam. She sat on Thang's lap and read off the letters from the wall. She did great! Her eyes look terrific, luckily she hasn't inherited mommy's incredibly poor eyesight.
Sydney working at Mam-o's desk
Pop-o put Sydney's one year portrait on a big canvas in his office. I have to admit this is one of my favorite pictures of Syd. Here she is posing with her picture.
And doing a little more posing...
We went to dinner at Claim Jumpers...mmm. Here is Alex with uncle Andrew and Anthony
We visited uncle Andrew's new pad. He moved into a really nice condo with the coolest community area. Check out this pool area!
Sydney hanging out by the pool
Sydney and Anthony. If you squint really hard you can see blue puppy back on the lounge area from the previous picture. We barely avoided a minor disaster when we got into the car and realized blue puppy was nowhere to be found. We finally figured out where he was so I ran and grabbed him. Phew! Seriously, I don't know what we would have done if we lost the little guy. Sydney adores him.
We did some shopping at a new outdoor shopping center called the Fountains. I loved it! They have some really nice shops and although it was a smidge windy, the weather was nice for some outdoor shopping. Here is Sydney showing off some cuteness in Sur la Table.

She loved the zebra and giraffe at Z Gallerie.
Sydney proudly wearing her new Roxy hat mam-o bought her. She looks very Californian! Well kinda-I don't know what it is about some of these Californian women, but I saw more sequins on pants and shirts than I have ever seen before. Wow.
One of my fave new pictures
We met up with my friend Jackie and her family. They live about an hour away so we try to meet up each time we come down. She has four kids-I know! I think two kids is difficult at times. Her kids are adorable and very well behaved too. We planned on going to Mike's incredible pizza which was kinda like Chuck E Cheese but way cooler. Apparently everyone in Sacramento thinks so too as the place was packed! We decided to just head to the mall and play and grabbed some dinner afterwards.
The kiddos

Sydney and Kaitlyn

So cute-Josh, Jackie and Gaby

Jackie needed some baby cuddle time

Joseph and Ellie

Anthony and Alex

Considering Alex looks just like Anthony and Anthony looks just like his dad, it's no surprise these two look a bit alike....

Opening presents! Pop-o got Sydney a little something at the store so we wrapped it too so she could share in the present delight. She couldn't wait to open her gift.

Mam-o and her new iPod

I've never seen this man before in my life.

Uncle Andrew bought Sydney a really cool bubble wand. She ran around and popped all the bubbles. Aww, three year olds and bubbles. Great combination.

We made a special lasagna dinner for the birthday duo. Sydney was in charge of the cupcakes.


Mam-o gave Alex his first haircut. His hair has always been shaggy over his ears so we decided to trim it a bit. Check out the before...

I know it looks like Mam-o is cutting off Alex's ear here, but she really isn't.

And after! The new and improved Alex. My handsome little boy!