Today we ventured down to the valley to find the perfect Christmas tree. We live just a couple miles away from some local farms and we love it. It's great for fresh produce during the summer, corn mazes and pumpkins in the fall and Christmas trees in the winter. With all the housing developments going in around us, it's nice to see farms still exist-and thrive in our area.
It was the perfect day to search for the perfect tree. Fifty seven degrees-wow, when has it ever been this nice going into December? Umm...never. After scouring the tree farm for the perfect tree, we found it! Last year we bought a huge tree and it was really just way too big, it took up half the living room. This year we decided to go much smaller and it's a nice, manageable size.
Here are the pictures of Christmas tree hunt 2008:
This is such a cool picture-there's a skydiver behind Anthony and Sydney with a beautiful view of the Cascade Mountains

Off to find "the" tree

Sydney loved the "Sydney-sized" trees

The classic O fam shot

Where did she learn these poses? In front of "the" tree

Look at that determination, future firefighter maybe? Anthony let her hose down the tree stand and well, just look at this picture. I think she had a good time.

And the decorating...Sydney loves this nativity scene my Aunt Sue bought her last year. She loves to re-arrange and line everyone up. Her favorite is baby Jesus.

Anthony and Sydney found Dora candy canes at the store. Yes, Dora really has taken over the world.

Candy canes make this girl silly

These candy canes will last for years. The girl takes two licks and she packages the candy canes back up. She's not really a candy girl. Now a cookie and M&M girl, that's a different story.

Putting on the angel

Sydney chooses an ornament every year. This year it was a John Deere tractor she bought with daddy at Lowes, one of their favorite stores. She says this is her very favorite ornament.

Putting on the ornaments. We actually had extras since this tree was so much smaller than last years tree. The important ones are up though, including all the ones Anthony and I have purchased together since 2001, our first Christmas together.

And a picture of our stockings. Yes, there is one for the baby too. I scoured the internet to find stockings that matched ours since the company that makes them changed their designs. I found it though, and it arrived just in time for Christmas decorating. I'm a little in love with our stockings. The lettering is an iron-on from Michaels craft store.