Yesterday we met up with our buds Samantha, Lisa and Jakey at the UW bookstore for toddler story time. It was packed and a little disappointing-the storytime consisted of two books and twenty minutes. The kids did get water and animal crackers though, possibly the highlight of the story time. Samantha and Syd didn't even notice the stories going on. They sat up in front at a table and colored, ate their snacks and chit chatted the whole time. It was like they owned the joint. The girls are just so much fun to watch together.
Afterwards we enjoyed some yummy Mexican food and Kristin, Cole and Brady joined us for lunch. Mmm, Mexican. Okay, so this might have been the highlight of the trip for me, but for Sydney it was all about Samantha's umbrella. Sydney is obsessed with umbrellas and has been asking for one for months. It's definitely on the Christmas list for Sydney.
All three kiddos

Check out
Greg and Jessica's blog for some super cute pics and stories of Sydney's day with her bff's Greg and Jessica. Sydney is one lucky kid.
Santa just might bring her a Dora "um-ba-wella" at Gweg and Jessica's house :) Hopefully you didn't get her one already! SO excited for today! I can't wait to love on your belly :)
Did you have tortilla soup at my favorite Mexican place? I'm jealous!!!! The pictures are, as usual, very adorable!!!!!
Ha ha! I love it! Isn't it so fun what they are into these days! Christmas is going to be a blast!
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