On Sunday we celebrated Sydney's birthday with eleven of her friends at Pump It Up! All the kids had a blast, it was great. They were all off and running around, and there wasn't a bored kid in the house. Even the parents had a great time! After jumping and bouncing for a little over an hour, we went to the party room and enjoyed cupcakes and ice cream and opened gifts. Sydney had a blast, and has been telling us, "I thwee now!" along with, "Let's go play with all my new toys" ever since. The girl made out like a bandit-she scored in the Dora and really cool toy and book department. Nice work Sydney!
Here are the pictures...
A birthday mani and pedi from Mam-0 before the big event

My baby girl is 3!

So excited to be at Pump It Up!

Oh boy-besides the fact that my child spent all by five minutes on the slide, she jumped off after each slide and landed on her bottom on the mat below. My tailbone hurt just watching it, but apparently it didn't bother her a bit.

Kaden taking a minute to pose

Kay, dad, my cousin Scott and Anthony

Even Mam-o went down the slide...twice!

Sam and I

Sydney with her Gweg and Jess-e-ca

Adorable little Maddy

My girl in hand holding heaven-holding Greg and Samantha's hands. Sydney LOVES to hold all her friend's hands.

The group!

Kaden, Sydney and Samantha


I just love it when Sydney puts her hands in her pockets, it cracks me up. Here she is with Jackson and cousin Jared.

Cutie pie Gracie

Sam and her mini me Alexis

Kaden asking Sydney what the 411 is on the cupcakes-where they at? Where they been? When they getting into my belly?

The cupcake cake!

"Sydney, let's get this party started. I need me some cupcakes-pronto!"-Kaden

Make a wish birthday girl!

The fam

Pop-o and Sydney

Uncle Trevor and Sydney

Papa and Trev

All the kids took a turn in the cool chair

The birthday girl

The kids all lined up, waiting to watch their gift being opened.

I am sure I have mentioned Sydney's love affair with Blue Puppy-a toy Cole gave to Sydney because she played with it every time at Cole's house, and Cole wasn't that into him. Well Cole gave Sydney Green Bear-Blue Puppy's brother. Oh wowzers, Sydney is in love! She walks around with her two "buddies" as she calls them non-stop.

More Dora puts a smile on my kid's face!

Jessica with Cole and Sydney

We opened up more presents at home. Here's Sydney opening up a present from auntie Alisa. If you ask Sydney what her cards say, she reads it and says, "Happy Birthday dear Sydney."

We bought Sydney a Dora digital camera. Yes, it is possible that Dora merchandise hit an all time sales record after this birthday party.

Trying out the new birthday stuff!

Wrapping up the big day by playing a little Xbox with daddy. I think Sydney drove better at Project Gotham Racing than most adults-she's a natural! Must be the chef hat.

What a great day! We had a blast. It was fun seeing all her friends and getting all the kiddos together. Sydney's already talking about her next birthday...oh boy.