We've had some really great weather this past week. It hit the low 80's on Monday, and most the week stayed in the low 70's. That's the thing about Seattle weather-you never know what you're going to get. You get warm weather in October and snow in April. And then there's the occasional rain we get from time to time....
We met up with Lisa and her kiddos Samantha and Jake, and Julie and her boys Garrett and Dane at Edmonds Beach this week. It was great! It wasn't crowded at all and once the fog blew off it was pretty warm. The kids had fun playing on the playground, we ate lunch and then headed down to the beach. The older kids even put their feet into the freezing Puget Sound...brr. They had a blast digging in the sand and just walking around. I think we'll come back again this fall and just bring rain boots and warm coats so they can dig and play around.
Well as long as it's not too cold...we're all fair weathered mamas
Garrett and Sydney-one of the few boys who likes to hold hands, yippee!

We have quite a few beach toys at our house, which of course I forgot. We stopped off at the store and found the Halloween buckets, cups and a kitty litter scooper. Yes, I am brilliant. The kids enjoyed them and lucky for us, Julie remembered her beach toys.

Jakey was down for the count

These three had a great time palling around

Checking out the ferry boat and the kayakers


Samantha focused on where that rock is going to go-in the water to the left or the water to the right.

My beach bum

The kiddos-and Dane really was there. For some reason I forgot to get a picture of Garrett's little brother.
1 comment:
I know I've said it before, but I'm saying it again...Sydney is gorgeous and adorable all at the same time! I absolutely love going to the beach when it's a little less than HOT. Sadly I have few experiences like that since we usually have days at the beach like that few and far between. You guys are so lucky to have access to the beach like that and a host of friends for Sydney to get together with. They're all adorable!
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