Today we went to the Children's Museum in E-town, one of our fave places to visit. Every time we go the kids discover something new, it's great. The rooftop play area was open today and that makes this place even better.
Sydney and Samantha

Baby Jacob and Lisa-isn't my future son in law the cutest??

Having fun in the construction zone


Sydney holding baby Jacob. Okay, really he is on my lap and one leg is on Sydney's lap. She thought this was the best thing ever. She adores this little guy so much.

The girls loved the hula hoops!

This was the funniest thing. Sydney and Samantha are always in deep conversation. When I walked up to take this picture of the girls sitting in the back seat Sydney said, "I need boys to drive car." Samantha said, "Mmm hmm." Already princesses.

Slide time!

This was after a nice long nap and some dinner. Sydney is wearing her Dora backpack, and her choice of no pants. She is such a funny kid, she always has us laughing.

Doing a little jig.