Thursday, July 31, 2008
It's a....
We are beyond excited to have one of each. We saw the boy parts a few times since our not so shy guy kept flashing his goods, which was great for us! Everything looked great, although we weren't able to get a clear picture of the heart since he was facing the other way. In four weeks I'll have another ultrasound to look at things again...yes please. Bring on the ultrasounds!
The baby boy is 12 ounces and is in the 50th percentile at this time. And the doc says we're still looking good for the Dec 10th c-section, so if everything goes well than that will be the big day! Only 19 weeks left!
Sydney was with us for the ultrasound and she was so excited to hear the baby is a boy...that's what she really wanted. Anthony just beamed. He kept saying he would love to have another little girl, but I know deep down he wanted a little boy. Sydney even talked to baby and he moved a little for her! He loves his big sis already. to start online shopping! I just received a coupon for 20% off baby Gap and Old Navy...perfect timing.
Friday, July 25, 2008
My manicure
And this afternoon I told Sydney, "You're so cute Sydney." She told me, "I not cute. I am funny." There you go, my funny and not cute little girl.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
My happy day!
We had a terrific day. Anthony took the day off from work and we headed over to Edmonds. We started off with lunch at Anthony's Homeport Beach Cafe. The lunch was great. Then we headed over to Marina Beach park and played in the water. Saying that Sydney loves the beach is an understatement. She started off by scooping sand into the water, then Anthony and Sydney threw rocks into the water, and she ended her beach time by running back and forth in the shallow and cold water with about a dozen other activites in between. She had a blast. We walked up to the play area and played a bit on the toys. This is a great park-definitely on our list of one of our faves.
We headed home, all took a nap, and then headed over to meet my dad and Kay for dinner at a favorite burger place, The blazing Onion. After dinner we enjoyed a nice outdoor concert and even did a little Pier 1 shopping.
It was such a beautiful day today, it was high 70's and it was perfect. I feel so blessed to be able to spend such a great day with my wonderful family. And now we're on a countdown to the next birthday in the family...Sydneys! I can't believe she is only a month and a half away from turning three!!!!!
Here are pictures....
Enjoying her fish and chips
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Happy Birthday Papa!
Okay, so with all that out of the way...
I've always heard that you marry someone like your dad, and when I married Anthony I thought, "Well they are kind of similar, but their hobbies are completely different-Anthony doesn't love soccer and golf like my dad." Then Sydney arrived and I saw the love and adoration between Anthony and Sydney that my dad and I have always shared. Sydney looks up to her daddy just like I always did with my dad.
Thanks dad for all the love and support over the years. Thanks for putting up with my six year college plan-don't worry, I'll take care of you on the flip side when you get old. Thanks for letting me learn to drive a stick shift on your brand new Toyota truck in 1991. See, I didn't do too much damage, it's still running 17 years and 360k miles later. Thanks for coming out to look for me when I was 20 minutes late for curfew and mom was panicking and sent you out to look for me. Sorry about that. And thanks for marrying two wonderful women, mom and Kay. You know how to pick them. And lastly, thank you for being such a good grandpa to Sydney, she loves you so much.
I had to include this picture-it's one of my faves of the family. It was taken in the late 70's-can you tell? I was 2 1/2 in this picture and Trevor was 3 1/2.

Greg and Jessica's new house!
Here are some cute pictures-
Sydney surprising Jessica outside the kitchen window
Back seat driver
"Mommy, watch out for that car. Don't hit the car."
"Mommy, that light red. Stop."
"Mommy, take a right here." (and she was correct!)
"Are your headlights on mommy?"
"Faster mommy."
"Music too loud mommy."
Yes, this is my payback for being a back seat driver to the hub at times. Okay, I am not that bad but I am fairly certain most of these phrases have come out of my mouth from time to time. Anthony just laughed when I told him tonight. I am fairly certain he giggled inside for a good hour while thinking, "See, not so much fun huh??"
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
It's always fun times with Cole
Here are some pics of the kiddos-
Playing in the teepee
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Mommy and Me Soccer
We have been using a jr. version of a soccer ball at our house so using a regular soccer ball was a new thing for us. Every time Sydney kicked the ball she would grunt, then she had to step back because it took so much out of her when she kicked. It was pretty funny actually, although my child is always a bit of a drama queen so the grunt may have been a bit exaggerated....just a bit.
The kids range from 2-3 1/2 which is really a big age difference actually. Some of the smaller kids weren't really into running around kicking a ball, and I think half the boys just wanted to run around, and run right to the park toys nearby. I'm happy with the class though-I think it's going to teach Sydney coordination, teamwork, leadership and good listening skills. Here are some pictures of the kiddos (Sydney and Kaden) at soccer today...
Sitting in a circle (ish) while waiting for instructions
Kaden after scoring his goal
Sydney was so proud of her goal
Sydney and her bud Kaden
Friday, July 18, 2008
Crazy week...
Unfortunately the first puke session happened ten minutes before leaving for our first mommy and me soccer class so that was a huge bummer. She kept saying, "I okay now, I feel better! Let's play soccer with Kaden." Two hours later, "Can we play soccer with Kaden now mommy?" So that was unfortunate, but I figured it would probably be better to keep the pukey kid at home.
Here are a couple random pictures of Sydney this week...
My little bookworm-she reads before her naps and this is how I found her when I checked on her...
My little ham-she asks me, "Take my picture mommy!" Bumming a ride...Sydney riding with Justin
A couple cute things about Sydney this week....
We have a Dora book and movie about what we want to be when we grow up. Sydney has already decided she wants to be a doctor. Anthony asked her what kind and she said, "A doctor like Pop-o!" She has an Elmo doctor kit that Greg got her and she LOVES it! She checks her doll's vitals all the time, along with ours. That and the fact that she loved visiting Pop-o at his ophthamology office. She keeps talking about Pop-o checking her eyes. So yes, we apparently need to triple her college fund now. ;) She asked me, "What do you want to be when you grow up mommy?" I told her I want to be her mommy and she told me, "How 'bout a firefighter? Daddy can be in a band."
The other day Sydney told me, "Daddy is my best friend." It was the cutest thing. She loves her friends but daddy is the bees knees!
She also loves to sing. It all started when she was just a couple months old and she would sing, "ooh ohh ohh" when I sang to her at night. Now she sings along to all the kids songs I put on my Zune for the car and also along with the radio. It's pretty cute. We listen to the kids songs, along with the tunes from the 50's-the Supremes, Beach Boys and the Four Seasons are a few of her faves.
And the potty training update-a while back she was nearly potty trained, not poop trained but potty trained. Then about two months ago she regressed, completely stopped sitting on the potty. I let it go and stopped asking her if she had to go. Slowly she's been sitting on the potty again, before bath time, when she first wakes up. She's been asking about school, she can't wait to go to preschool. I explained she couldn't go to school until she's potty trained, so guess what? Yup, she's been trying hard. We even set up a sticker chart and so after 12 potties she gets a scooter, yes we've given into bribery. Normally it won't be for a toy, more like swim time at the pool or a daddy/daughter day. Stuff she would get anyway but let me tell you, this bribery...err...encouragement has worked! She's been doing great and has only had two accidents. We're also going on another tour of her preschool next week since I have a ton of questions about the curriculum which I think will be great for her to see it again and understand where she'll be going to school. She's on the list for the little 3's class in January but if by some chance she's ready in September we might just go for it...well maybe. We'll see how everything goes. ;) She loves school so much and we like to encourage it.
And here are a couple videos. I have realized that I don't take near enough videos of Sydney. I have the picture thing down but these moments are the best are the best and I need to do better at documenting what she is doing. So here you go....
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Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing - Photo Books

Monday, July 14, 2008
And the rest of our trip....
We went to the Exploratorium first, which is a big science museum. My science nerd husband (and I mean that in a good way) loves all things science and I really want Sydney to love science also since I have never been that into it and well, if she's going to Harvard she needs to like this stuff, LOL. We spent a few hours exploring the exploratorium and had a good time.
Anthony, Syd, myself and Andrew in front of the exploratorium (it had scaffolding all over it)

We had a great time on our trip to California! Sydney did great, she loved exploring new places and seeing her family. She's such an easy kid to bring on trips which makes it even more enjoyable. The dvd player in the car was a bonus too, she loved watching Dora, reading books and playing with her toys.