Here is Sydney making final preparations for the playdate the night before-you know it's a special day when we make cupcakes!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
The four musketeers reunited!
Here is Sydney making final preparations for the playdate the night before-you know it's a special day when we make cupcakes!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Ballet dancer to gymnast
Last week we checked out the gymnastics center with the usual suspects, Cole and Samantha. The place is awesome! They have three huge trampolines, a foam pit, and well, everything else a gymnastics center needs. Really- I can't get over the trampolines, they are the coolest things ever! Sydney did really well last week and we went back today to make sure this is really what she wants to do before we cancel her ballet enrollment. Umm yup, it's what she really wants to do.
She caught on quickly to everything teacher Annie showed the kids, she listened and followed directions, and she wasn't shy. Now that is a biggie because even in soccer she wanted to hold my hand half the time while kicking the ball. She was so into gymnastics that she could have cared less whether I was there or not. For the first time ever my child didn't wait her turn until I had to say two times, "Go ahead Sydney, your turn." She just went for it each time, even cutting in front of kids she was so excited. The teacher demonstrated the activity and Sydney immediately did it. The teacher was testing her a little bit and showing her things to do and Sydney did them pretty well. The only thing she couldn't quite pull off was the splits in mid air while jumping on the trampoline. Maybe next time. LOL. My kid is absolutely in her element and I have to say that although she liked ballet and soccer, she LOVES gymnastics. The ballet class was definitely a great starting point though. Today on the balance beam the teacher was asking Sydney to do kicks and point her toes which she did easily. She did this in dance class so it's nice to see this carry over and the teacher seemed to appreciate the fact that she had prior dance instruction.
After class I asked teacher Annie if Sydney should stay in the 18 month-3 year old class since this was new, or move up to the 3 year old class. She told me that Sydney is doing really terrific and she is a great listener who follows directions so she is ready for the 3 and 4 year old class! Wowzers, this is big time. So tonight we came home and practiced her moves-she needs to be ready to roll with the big dogs-the 4 1/2 year olds! Although really, every night is tumble and jump night at the O house. We just had more fun things to do.
I am so proud of my girl. It's so fun to see your child do something they absolutely love in life, not just something they just like.
Eat your heart out Mary Lou Renton....
Olympic Gold Medal Winner, 2020
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Last day of soccer and the British cousin invasion!
Sydney proudly showing off her certificate:
My cousin Kim and her family are out visiting from England so we headed up to La Conner afterwards to my aunt Char's house to visit. We started out with lunch, then headed over to the bowling alley in Anacortes for a fun game. Sadly, the kids did better than us. Paige won with a score of 98. I'd like to say it was the bumpers but I don't know, I think we were just that bad.
Sydney and her new bff-these girls were attached at the hip
Actually they were attached at the hands, Paige held Sydney's hand everywhere, it was so cute.
Paul and five year old William
Nearly 4 year old Paige and Kim
The girls We went to a couple parks after our bowling excursion. The first park was a Memorial park and although it didn't have any toys, the kids still had a great time.
This is what happens when you are English-you teach your kids to play soccer, err football before they can walk and you take the football with you everywhere-there's always time to kick the ball around.
More of the girls, I just can't get over how cute they are
This park might just be the coolest park ever! It's the John Storvik park in Anacortes and it was so much fun! I should have taken a picture of the actual park, it was huge. Highly recommend it before those long ferry trips to the San Juan islands.
Here are the girls on the big swings
These swings were perfect for everyone!
This thing was like a trampoline, so much fun! Slide time
My fave picture of the girls
Paige was determined to show Sydney how to ride her bike, the problem is Sydney couldn't reach the pedals very well so it didn't work
Will and Syd
The Jordan family
We had so much fun with these guys! Their once a year visits don't come around often enough, and I expected we'd be visiting for a couple hours when we actually stayed for about six. We were having a blast and Paige and Sydney bonded. She absolutely adores her cousins. Sydney loves older kids and Paige loved having a younger "sister" instead of being the younger sister. They had a fab time.
The British accent on kids kills me-I love it. Nothing better than a cute British kid with an accent. Unfortunately I have this bad habit of breaking out my British accent when I am around Brits for a longer period of time. I don't even mean to and I don't even realize what I am doing. I always feel bad in case I am offending anyone, but it was just something my roommates and I used to do when we lived in London and it's a habit. Sydney thinks it's funny and talked about her cousin's "ass-ents" on the way home. We had such a fun time with the cousins and I can't wait to see them next year! One of these days we just need to head over to London to visit.
A couple of videos-
Check out Paige, she was always holding Sydney's hand or had her arm around her or something. She was so cute with Sydney.
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And a video of the kids at the park jumping. Like how Sydney jumps, but then falls because she thinks it's fun? Nice. Check out Paige's pants too-she has a tiny waist like Sydney! Her pants were hanging off her. These girls are definitely related.
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And just a comparison from August 2007 and August 2008 of the girls...

Monday, August 25, 2008
Some updating...
Kristin and I took the kiddos to a local concert series in our neighborhood town center a couple weeks back. The kids loved the music. It was actually pretty good-the lead singer was a 70 year old woman, jamming on the guitar. I was pretty impressed-she was good and pretty hip. The kids danced and hopped around and had a blast.
Taking a break
Oh boy-Cole stealing a kiss, you better watch it little man
Mam-o made us these adorable cookie people and sent them up from California, in the shape of all our family members. Sydney thought they were pretty neat-o, and delish too! Thanks Mam-o! Check out my bikini...
Sydney's still potty trained, woo hoo! She had two accidents in the beginning but has had none since. She always tells us when she needs to potty or poop, and sometimes just goes and tells us afterwards. I have to say I don't miss smelly diapers AT ALL. And in a few more months it all begins again...
The potty training uniform-t-shirt and Minnie Mouse undies. The hat, purse and band aid over a non-existent owie are optional.
Sydney and baby Jakey had their hair cuts done together last week-because a couple that gets their hair cut together, stays together. No, but really she is still in love with Jakey and keeps talking about sharing her cupcake with him at her birthday party in two weeks.
Jakey-who I need to stop calling baby Jakey since he just turned one Check out these bangs-you know you need to cut your kid's hair when they tell you they need a haircut
We decided to treat the girls to a manicure. Lucky girls, I think I was 19 before I ever had my nails done.
Sydney chose the hot pink
I'm not sure what I did to deserve this look, but I have about five pics of Samantha with the same expression for me...
The kiddos
The girls posing at Jake's birthday party
The birthday boy just loves his hat
mmm...cake I love this picture of Lisa and Jakey
Sydney has been scared to death of this "ferocious" dog Lilly for quite a while. They finally bonded at the party, and Sydney wouldn't leave her alone the rest of the day.
We rented out "Jump Planet" for a playdate last week. Yup, we're totally rich. Haha, actually it's only $75 to rent it for an hour and 15 minutes, for up to 14 kids! Totally worth every penny, considering you can do it cheaper than the drop in playtime. Plus you don't have to share the place with stinky rough housing boys.
I don't know if it's the lighting or my camera just sucks, so the pictures aren't that great.
Ivy, Sydney and Cole in the toddler area Grady with his big bro Gibson
Kaden LOVES the slide!
And Sydney loves to pose
Cole, Sydney, Ari and Darren after jumping
And last but not least....
That's my kid, kissing Elmo on the tv. The last time I saw this was back in '83 when Ricky Shroeder was on Silver Spoons. And I was the kisser. Yup, loved the boy, he was sooooo cute.