We had a wonderful Christmas yesterday! It's always so nice to spend the holidays with family, and it's also nice to have a low-key day thrown in there too.
Sydney went to bed pretty late on Christmas eve-10:30pm. Apparently the whole Santa thing tuckered her out as she didn't wake up until 10:30am Christmas morning. Merry Christmas to me! I love sleeping in and I know I don't have many Christmas mornings left to sleep in. We actually did pretty well on the presents. The past two years it is quite possible we got a bit carried away. This year we kept things to a minimum and it was probably better-both for our bank account and present overload for Sydney.
We opened all our presents, which took quite a while. Sydney would open a gift and then play with it for a bit. It took a little over two hours for the present opening. We were so hungry that we decided to open the stockings after our brunch. Anthony made us some yummy breakfast/brunch stuff and we opened the remaining stocking gifts. We hung out, played with our toys, the toddler and hub took a nap, played with our toys some more, and at 7pm we decided we didn't feel like cooking dinner and we went searching for an open restaurant. Hmm...not an easy task. There were several sketchy places open-Chinese bbq's and of course the typical Denny's and Shari's. We decided on Shari's restaurant. The food was fine, the service not as fine and we decided on the way home we'd probably NOT make it a tradition to hit up Shari's at Christmas. Perhaps we'd just plan ahead and cook a nice meal at home. Haha. Afterwards we drove around to look at the Christmas lights.
Anyway, enough of the chatting-here are the pics
The stockings

The tree and presents

Sydney's favorite gift of the morning-Santa brought her this trike. We didn't plan on a trike but
when we were at Fred Meyer a few days ago she loved a trike there so much and could actually pedal! Apparently Santa knows everything and picked this up for her. ;)

She loves her Kitty keyboard!

This travel aquadoodle is going to be great in the car

Think the kid likes Elmo? She loves these pj's and unfortunately her adorable Christmas pajamas leaked the night before....hmm.

Sydney received a ton of books this Christmas, which is great! Half of them are Dora books, even better! She loves to read so much so these were awesome gifts.

Sydney's new apron when she is helping daddy in the kitchen. I think it needs to be adjusted a smidge.

More crayons and drawing books

More trike

Sydney loves her new Austrian puppy puppet from Gram-o and Pop-o

I am in love with the "Life is Good" clothing, so I was so excited to find the kid sized hat and mittens

Ready to take a spin around the neighborhood

Back in the saddle again-Syd loves this horse, especially because she can get on and off by herself

Checking out the tree

My aunt Sue bought this Nativity scene for Sydney-she loves it, especially the baby Jesus.

Anthony and Syd at Shari's restaurant

A video of Syd opening a gift-
Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday.