Samantha, Lisa with sleeping baby Jacob and Matthias at the bingo dobber table. The kids loved these things!
Here's Maddy trying to figure out why the water table water is blue
Samantha and Sydney enjoying the water table
Matthias saw me take pictures of the girls and ran over to get in on the action. This kid-I don't know if it's the bowl haircut or the puppy dog eyes, but I think he is so darling.
Snacktime! The moms all take turn on bringing snacks. They range from carrot sticks and hummus to strawberries, cheese and graham crackers. Syd definitely prefers the latter.
Playing on the teeter totters. The kids also read stories at this time while the other kids are finishing up snack.
Bubble time!
Fun with scarves-and Cole
Sydney loves the marchy march song, here she is running towards me with her marching bracelet
Maddy and Sydney driving the cars for outside playtime
Sydney wearing the fire hat one last time-this kid and her hats!
Here are two short videos of our songs during circle time.
This first one is the bell song. The kids ring the bells along with the music and stop when the music stops. I think their fave part is saying, "shhh."
1 comment:
I love your two movies! You have great rhythm! I think you have awonderful dancing future!
I say, more! more!
Love you,
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