Today Sydney and I met up with Jessica at U Village and had Sydney's Santa pictures taken. The past two years Sydney cried when we saw Santa, and I was hoping that today would be different. Sydney's been very interested in Santa this year. We've looked at a ton of Santa pictures, she's talked about him, I'd ask her if she wanted to meet Santa and sit on his lap and she'd say yes, everything sounded pretty good. I even brought in the big guns-Jessica-I figure if anyone can help Sydney feel comfortable then it's Ca-Ca.
We waited in line for a bit and then Santa arrived to his house. He came up and said hi to the kids and Sydney started crying as soon as Santa stepped within a few feet of her. Uh oh, this is where it all started going down hill. She calmed down before our turn to go into the house, but of course once she saw him again she cried. I thought she would do better if she sat on my lap and I sat next to Santa. Nope. So finally I did what every desperate mother does when her kid is crying and she just needs the traditional Santa picture-I quickly set Sydney down on Santa's lap, stepped back and yelled, "Take a picture!" Of course the first picture was terrible and you couldn't even see Sydney's face so we had to do it again. Because my kid wasn't freaked out enough, thanks photographers. We finally got a decent crying shot and we were done. The whole time she was yelling, "Ca Ca! Ca Ca!" and reaching for Jessica. Poor kid. So we are done traumatizing our child for one more year and we have a nice picture to send to the grandparentss.
Here are a couple pictures of our day
Here's the way it started out...looks promising, right?

Still doing good-having fun playing with Jessica at the Land of Nod

And here comes Santa

Good times with Santa

Here's the Santa pictures from the past three years:
First year-Syd was just three months old

Last year (sorry for the horrible picture-it's a picture of a picture, and a cropped picture at that.)

And this year-another quality photo of a photo shot

We waited in line for a bit and then Santa arrived to his house. He came up and said hi to the kids and Sydney started crying as soon as Santa stepped within a few feet of her. Uh oh, this is where it all started going down hill. She calmed down before our turn to go into the house, but of course once she saw him again she cried. I thought she would do better if she sat on my lap and I sat next to Santa. Nope. So finally I did what every desperate mother does when her kid is crying and she just needs the traditional Santa picture-I quickly set Sydney down on Santa's lap, stepped back and yelled, "Take a picture!" Of course the first picture was terrible and you couldn't even see Sydney's face so we had to do it again. Because my kid wasn't freaked out enough, thanks photographers. We finally got a decent crying shot and we were done. The whole time she was yelling, "Ca Ca! Ca Ca!" and reaching for Jessica. Poor kid. So we are done traumatizing our child for one more year and we have a nice picture to send to the grandparentss.
Here are a couple pictures of our day
Here's the way it started out...looks promising, right?
Still doing good-having fun playing with Jessica at the Land of Nod
And here comes Santa
Good times with Santa
Here's the Santa pictures from the past three years:
First year-Syd was just three months old

Last year (sorry for the horrible picture-it's a picture of a picture, and a cropped picture at that.)
And this year-another quality photo of a photo shot
Poor Sydney. I was like that as a kid too. Gibson will have a talk with her for you so next years picture will be all smiles.
I know it's wrong of me but I love pictures of Santa with crying kids. It's so cute!
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