The boys did great and are so well behaved, and so cute! Here are some pictures:
Jessica pushing Brody and Syd on the swings
Princesses Ari and Sydney
The girls-Ari with her mommy Georgia and Sydney
Darren had the best time with the horse, it was hilarious!
Jumping on the pillows...pretty sure Mam-o thought she was making these for us to sit on, not jump on. They do make great trampolines though!
Brody-is he not the cutest???
Sydney with her Jessica. Poor Sydney, she is used to Jessica not leaving her side the entire time so after five minutes when she didn't get cuddles and attention from Jess she started crying...until Jessica held her. So maybe Jessica and Greg spoil the girl a tad....
Today my friend Carli and her daughter Gracie came to our house to play! I have never heard more, "That's mine" and fighting over toys before. Apparently they are too much alike and had some power struggles. They did have a good time and Sydney told me later that Gracie was very nice.
This is my favorite picture of the girls-Gracie would not sit next to Sydney on the stairs and Sydney would not sit next to Gracie on the bench. So here you go...I have a feeling these girls are going to grow up to be very strong think? I finally bribed the kids with animal cute are they?
The play date was so much fun! I will work on my blog later today and add the pictures you sent me.
Love you girls! :)
Can someone ask Jessica if she got fashion advise from Steve Winnie? Socks and flip flops? really?! Just kidding, I know it was probably chilly - although I've seen Jess wear flip flops in the snow so I don't know....
I can't believe how big everyone is. Brody is adorable! I wish we could have been there!!
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