Today was the big Race for the Cure in Seattle, and it was great. Last year it was Sydney and I walking with Emily, Diane and their friend Kristy. This year we had a good sized group of people (twelve total) from family to friends. Next year my goal is to get a group of at least twenty, and to really go out-I'm talking boas and the whole bit! Our team name is Saving Second Base... ;)
The weather was pretty nice and there were so many people running and walking, it was amazing. It is incredible how many people come out to support the breast cancer cause each year.
Here's some pictures from the day:
My bro Trevor and Michelle running the 5k (Trevor is in the red shorts on the left)

Michelle, Trevor, Aunt Cheryl, and cousins Molly and Matthew during the walk

Papa pushing Sydney in the stroller-I think I pushed Sydney a total of 5 minutes the whole day between my dad and Matthew helping out-nice.

Emily and Diane

Me and my auntie Cheryl

Sydney and her beloved Luna bar. A guy was handing these out and so I gave one to Sydney, she loves protein bars. Anyway half way through the race she still hadn't taken a bite so I asked if uncle Trevor could have it since he was hungry. She told him no. I finally broke it in half and gave him some. She held the rest of the bar the whole time, never eating any of it. Silly kid.

Why we race for the cure...

Me and my bro

The group

My dad with my cousins Molly and Matthew

Em and I

Prego mamas-me with Kristin. She is 20 weeks along now (with another boy!) and I am almost 15 weeks.
Good for you guys for doing the Race Stacy! I can't wait to see the pictures for next years race!
It was a lot of fun!! Can't wait until next year!
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