I am very glad we checked it out now that the girls are older because they were able to do so much more. When we went here for class a year ago Sydney was in the middle of her clingy and scared of everything stage. She was afraid of the parachute, the bubbles, and would never get more than a foot away from me. What a change from now! Sydney loved climbing up the ladders and going down the slides and just had a great time bouncing around. We'll definitely come back again for open gym.
Here are some pictures of the girls at "the gym." This is what she calls it now.
I swear I am having deja vu...oh that's right, Samantha is doing the exact same post at Kaden's playdate two weeks ago. Samantha is a laid back kind of gal.
Sydney loved this thing-it really wasn't as scary as it looks in this picture!
I was pretty impressed-Syd climbed up this thing on her first try. My little girl has gotten so brave!
This was so cute. One of the moms was pulling her kids around and Sydney decided to join them in the "train." The girl in the middle held both kids hands. We couldn't get all three of them to smile for anything!
Samantha had so much fun!
The girls!
A couple videos:
Sydney hopping it up:
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