Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Happy Birthday Carli!

Happy Birthday to one of my dearest friends Carli!

This year we celebrate 25 years of friendship, how can that be? We certainly can't be that old, can we?

Happy Birthday to the girl who threw the best slumber parties as a kid. The girl who read the writing on the chalkboard to me in the 4th grade when I couldn't see the board and was too self conscious to wear my glasses. The girl who was the safest driver around town and always went 5 miles under the speed limit when she got her license. The girl who was my science partner in high school and helped me achieve my first and only A- in science ever. The thoughtful woman who remembers every birthday and holiday with a card. The woman who worked so incredibly hard to achieve a PhD and is now a Dean at a college-this still amazes me! The mom who is a wonderful mom and role model to her daughter Gracie and the friend who is a true friend to her friends and will always be one of my dearest.

Love you Car, have a wonderful day today. :)

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