Lindsay became a good friend quickly. She was a night owl just like me so we spent some good times together. She was so much fun, had a great sense of humor and had a heart of gold. And she was smart-she was a political science major and later went on to get her Master's degree in public policy. Really Lindsay is one of the main reasons I had such a great time up in Bellingham.
We kept in contact a bit after we moved out of the Miami Vice apartments (they were pink and blue hence the name) and we met up again for a fun night of bar hopping in 1998 before she left for California. Last year I found her on myspace which was pretty cool.
Lindsay was diagnosed with breast cancer this past December. Thirty two years old and no history of breast cancer in the family. In fact right after she was diagnosed her mom was diagnosed with breast cancer also. For all my friends and family-please pray and keep Lindsay and her mom Patti in your thoughts. She is such a genuine soul-and she'd be your friend. You know when you see Jennifer Garner in movies and think, "We'd totally be friends, that Jennifer and I?" Well that's Lindsay, she's a great gal.
I linked Lindsay's blog under My Peeps blog listings if you would like to follow her journey. Her mom also posts on her own journey along with her twin sister Brooke.
Here's a picture of Lindsay borrowed from her myspace-I am sure I could dig up some old college pics but honestly Lindsay looks better now than she did in college. Wish we could all say that, right?

And for all my girls-please do monthly self breast exams. You don't have to have a family history of breast cancer to be diagnosed with cancer. If you notice a lump or something unusual make an appointment with your doctor. Talk to you doctor about mammograms and ultrasounds also. Early detection is key.
1 comment:
Oh my goodness Stacy! I cannot imagine your shock and sorrow at this diagnosis for such a great friend. Please know I will be praying for her and her family as they beat this cancer! Big hugs to you!!!!!
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